The Drama of Politics

4 Political Candidates

• slander • 

Supporters of the Campbell campaign who attend Friendship Missionary Baptist Church claim that McMiller left Mt. Olive AME Church and joined Friendship Missionary Baptist Church as a political move to ride the wave of Pastor Parker’s growing popularity and increase in membership to secure her victory and to sway Lodovic Kimble who supports Chanetta Campbell to jump on the McMillier team. Ladovic is the most vocal politically engaged person in the Dunbar community and a true champion of civil rights in Lee County. Like him or not… He has always been a vocal person and the only male in Dunbar who consistently speaks up for what he believes to be right. Chanetta Campbell supporters say McMiller joined Friendship Missionary Baptist Church to garner votes and for no other reason. 

McMiller’s supporters stealthily consistently threw Campbell under the bus by asking everyone why Campbell wouldn’t be present for a debate despite Campbell’s claim she had a prior family engagement and indirectly suggested Campbell wasn’t competent to debate the issues because she is clueless about the working of local government. McMiller’s supporters are also upset because Chanetta Campbell accused McMiller of trying to sleep with her ex.  

McMiller’s supporters also stated that Campbell suggested McMiller was given money to fix her mom’s house by Sammie Watkins and Chanetta Campbell’s supporters said McMiller used the money for everything but getting the house fixed and had problems with contractors because the money was cut off. 

At the beauty salons, they claim McMiller said that Campbell doesn’t even live in the house she is using in the campaign and lives in Lehigh, but stated that she would never say things like that. Everyone in Dunbar knows that she doesn’t live down the street from her even though she owns the property. McMiller’s supporters also said that Campbell entered the race for Ward 2 even though Campbell knew her ex was going to run for Ward 2 and has no loyalty to anyone but herself. McMiller’s supporters have also been rebranding Campbell’s nickname in Dunbar from Netti Red to Dirty Red and claim that she never said that about Chanetta, but “that is what the people are saying.” 

McMiller and Campbell’s supporters have been subtly slandering each other’s campaign behind the scenes with lies and deceit.

Pundits have even stated that Sawyer Smith may have had councilwoman Tarolyn Watson who is also a Lee County School Board employee, find a candidate to put in the Ward 2 race with the last name Williams so McKinley Williams would lose votes if he decided to enter in the Ward  2 campaign. Arlease Williams is the Union President of the employees with Lee County School Board, 

what a coincidence.

Chantel Rhodes a promising future political star is on board the Campbell campaign and the word is that Terolyn is ticked off that Campbell and Chantel are working together to get her elected because Chantel reported Terolyn to the State during the last election when they competed in a runoff.

I don’t know what’s so hard about sitting down and deciding who is the strongest candidate who can reason with the other two and do what’s in the best interest of the community. The reality is all three of you all got played indirectly and are too damn selfish to decide what is best for the greater good. This isn’t about popularity. This is about the greater good of the  Dunbar Community. 

Check this out. 

You don’t need to be elected to make a difference, but you do have to be involved… 


McKinley sat this one out because he knew Sawyer Smith scoped out Diana and used Darla Bonk as a cat’s paw, He never got a release to move forward from the throne room, because of Darla’s father’s mantle.   

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